EP. 8 - - Is The Modern World Killing Off Our Wise Elders? And What We Can All Do About It Before It’s Too Late!

Sutter dissects how our addiction to fast fixes and a modern world that cultivates distracted minds has left a gaping hole in how we receive wisdom and knowledge. He makes a case for how a shift is desperately needed to save our youth and our planet, and how our wise elders (and all of us) can play a key role in making that shift a reality. 

But, he also questions whether there are in fact wise elders still around, and whether the fast paced modern world has destroyed their perceived value. Is their diminishing presence a result of a world where it is congratulatory to say someone looks younger than they are, so our elders are in hiding because now they have no social value? Is it a by-product of a dying community? Is it our “growth at all costs” system that has left our elders tired, rundown and lacking vigour. Is it a result of the social media world? A lack of focus on our inner worlds? Or just a lack of focus? Is it a result of authors and poets being replaced by influencers and reality TV stars in the pecking order of people we admire? 

Whatever it is, this talk will provoke discussion and thought, and hopefully action. It will provide ideas on how to meet halfway and forge much needed change on a planet that so desperately needs it. 

An important call to action jam-packed into 14 minutes.